Hosted by Collette Bowers Zinn and Lisa Johnson, the eRaced podcast features exclusive interviews and thought-provoking conversations on what it means to thrive despite being marginalized.
What eRaced Listeners Say
“Great podcast bringing to the forefront some topical issues of race, culture, etc and its place in the education system. This is so important because it is the best place for our society to make change by educating new generations of children. Very happy this podcast exists and looking forward to the insights I learn from it.”
Mrose 3333 | eRaced listener
“This podcast is like being a fly on the wall for crucial, smart conversations between wise and conscientious parents who are deeply committed to actual, demonstrative diversity, equity and inclusion in schools.
Administrators would do well to listen carefully, take copious notes, and just pay uber close attention to everything being said. What is being offered here can pave the way for schools to break out of problematic, unsafe, and frankly dangerous policies that harm students. Let the revolution begin so students no longer feel erased!”
liverestoratively | eRaced listener
“Engaging, educational, important, and extremely relevant conversations on diversity, equity and inclusion in, and out of, the classroom. The hosts complement each other nicely, making for a robust listening experience. Great stuff!”
Jerry Farnett | eRaced listener
“An honest discussion around race and DEI in the private school sector. A very timely, honest, and real conversation that pushes back on the excuses often heard when politics enter. Every anti-racist doing the work should tune in, also a great listen for those just new to the work and just entering the conversation.”
TAbrahem | eRaced listener
“There’s a growing awareness that if we hope to dismantle systemic racism, we must be more than “non-racist.” We must be Anti-Racist. But how? Just from the first episode, I have hope that Collette and Lisa might be able to provide some answers, or at least a place to start. I’m very excited to hear more.”
keneumey | eRaced listener